
Comfort with Smart Vehicle Technology: Truly Smart Calling

In this content where smart vehicle technology meets comfort, explore the advantages offered by smart calling systems. Learn how it can make your driving experience smarter and more comfortable.



Smart Vehicle Technology: Comfort with the Summon Feature

Isn’t it nice to have your vehicle come to you instead of walking to it with your hands full of bags after leaving a shopping mall or supermarket? If you don’t have a driver or your partner hasn’t come shopping with you, reaching your vehicle at the store’s entrance and placing the bags can always be impractical. Or having to walk hundreds of meters in large parking lots after a movie, theater performance, or concert can be exhausting for everyone. At this point, Tesla has started to offer great convenience to users thanks to its autonomous driving technology.

Users can start their vehicles from where they are parked through a mobile application and give the command “come to me“. This way, without having to walk to the car, the Tesla vehicle automatically exits the parking space and comes to the driver’s side.

Smart Summon or Really Smart Summon?

In fact, Tesla previously had a “smart summon” feature, but this technology was quite limited and only allowed the vehicle to move a few meters forward or backward from its parking spot. The new “Really Smart Summon” (Actually Smart Summon) feature allows the vehicle to autonomously exit the parking lot without anyone inside and travel hundreds of meters to reach its user.

This technology ensures that the vehicle does not exceed a certain speed, does not enter busy traffic areas like highways, and moves in a controlled manner without a driver until it reaches its owner. While this development has excited many Tesla drivers, Google’s autonomous taxi service, Waymo, has been providing a service for a long time that picks up customers and drops them off at their destination with such technology.

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