
More than a thousand students vowed not to work for Amazon and Google due to the Nimbus Project.

Young professionals and recent graduates in the USA have pledged not to work at Google and Amazon. The reason for this reaction is the Nimbus Project.



A civil society organization called NOTA (No Technology for Apartheid), founded by technology workers and demanding an end to the agreements between technology giants and the Israeli government, collected signatures from students who protest the Nimbus Project and state that they will not work at Google and Amazon. NOTA aimed to collect 1200 signatures from young workers and STEM students and has already exceeded 1100 signatures.

Among the statements in the signature form, the following expression is included: “As young students in STEM and other fields, we do not want to be involved in these horrific violations in any way. We are joining the #NoTechForApartheid campaign to demand Google and Amazon to immediately end the Nimbus Project.” Google and Amazon, among the world’s largest companies, are the most important employers of these students.

What is the Nimbus Project?

Within the scope of the Nimbus Project, Google and Amazon provide cloud computing and machine learning services to the Israeli government and army through a $1.2 billion contract. Previously, a Google spokesperson defended that the company is tasked with “highly sensitive, secret, weapons-related, or military intelligence-related tasks” in the Nimbus Project.

Among the students who signed are those studying at leading universities in the United States such as Stanford, UC Berkeley, San Francisco University, and San Francisco State University. NOTA had previously protested layoffs in front of Google.

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