
F.B.I. Investigates Cyber Intrusions Targeting Political Campaigns Amid Iranian Threats

Explore the F.B.I.’s investigation into cyber intrusions affecting political campaigns, amidst escalating threats from Iran. Stay informed on the intersection of cybersecurity and politics as tensions rise and vulnerabilities are exposed.



F.B.I. Investigates Cyber Intrusions Targeting Political Campaigns

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.) announced on Monday that it is actively investigating a significant cyber intrusion involving the Trump campaign. This investigation also includes efforts to penetrate the accounts of prominent Democratic figures, with indications that the cyberattack may have originated from Iranian sources. A senior law enforcement official revealed these developments, underscoring the seriousness of the situation.

In a concise statement, an F.B.I. spokeswoman confirmed the bureau’s inquiry into what they termed “a campaign cyberintrusion.” This statement came just days after former President Donald J. Trump publicly claimed that Iran had targeted his campaign. However, the F.B.I. refrained from explicitly naming Iran or Mr. Trump in their announcement. Additionally, the bureau did not provide details regarding the extent of the breach or whether it affected other political campaigns or figures.

According to the law enforcement official familiar with the matter, the investigation is also examining an attempt to access accounts linked to the Democratic presidential campaign. While the timing of this attempted infiltration remains unclear, the official emphasized that there is currently no evidence suggesting that the attack was successful. The team for Vice President Kamala Harris, which diligently monitors potential cyber threats, has stated that they are not aware of any breaches to their systems, as reported by a campaign official who requested anonymity to discuss sensitive security protocols.

On Friday, Microsoft disclosed that a hacking group affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had compromised the account of a former senior aide to an unnamed presidential campaign. Roger J. Stone, a long-time advisor to Mr. Trump, revealed in a phone interview on Monday evening that Microsoft had reached out to him several months ago, informing him that his Hotmail email account had been breached and that Iranian actors were believed to be responsible.

Shortly thereafter, Mr. Stone received a phone call from the F.B.I., alerting him that his Gmail account had also been hacked. The bureau indicated that his account might have been exploited by malicious actors to gain access to the internal communications of other individuals within Mr. Trump’s political operation.

The F.B.I. has consistently warned about the interference of foreign nations in the forthcoming election, particularly the use of artificial intelligence to disseminate misinformation. In their alerts, they have specifically named Iran, China, and Russia as primary threats. Notably, Russia has a documented history of attempting to create discord in American elections, having previously targeted the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 election cycle.

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