
The Resilience of Educators in Wartime: Iryna Kovaliova’s Story

Discover the inspiring journey of Iryna Kovaliova, an educator who exemplifies resilience in the face of wartime challenges. Explore her story of courage, dedication, and the transformative power of education amidst turmoil.



The Resilience of an Educator Amidst War

When the Russian invasion of Ukraine commenced in February 2022, Iryna Kovaliova, a dedicated literature teacher, faced an emotional crossroads. With many of her students fleeing to safety abroad, she felt compelled to retire from her teaching position. “I wrote my resignation letter and took my belongings from the school,” she recalled. However, the heartfelt pleas of her sixth-grade class, known as 6H, to remain at least throughout the duration of the war led her to reconsider. “They begged me to stay,” she shared in a recent interview.

Fast forward two years, and Iryna, now 63 years old and three years past the typical retirement age for educators, continues her teaching journey. Yet, it is a role fraught with emotional turmoil as she witnesses her students grappling with the harsh realities of war—air raids, bombings, and the devastating loss of loved ones. Her heart aches for those who have been displaced, now forced to navigate their studies online, as well as for her former students who have bravely enlisted in the army and are actively fighting on the front lines.

Every morning, Iryna starts her day with a deep sense of concern, checking the social media accounts of two former students currently serving in the military. Each time she sees they have been online, a wave of relief washes over her, a small comfort in knowing that at least they are alive amidst the chaos.

Ms. Kovaliova’s commitment to her students is unwavering, even as she faces the challenges of an ongoing conflict. Her principal, Maria Lysenko, echoes this sentiment, expressing her worries not only for the students but for the entire generation affected by the war. “I am concerned about our children’s future, but I also feel a heavy burden for our teachers,” she stated, highlighting the shared struggle within the educational community during these trying times.

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