
The Rise of Linux: Breaking the Dependency on Windows and the Future

The Rise of Linux: Explore ways to break free from dependence on Windows. Learn about the advantages, freedom, and future potential offered by the open-source world. Start your technological journey with Linux!



The Rise of Linux: Dependency on Windows and Its Future

The recent collapse of Windows due to Crowdstrike’s update issues has once again highlighted how dependent large organizations are on Microsoft’s operating system. However, recent research suggests that Linux could increase its market share to 5% by 2025. So, how is this transition happening?

According to StatCounter’s data for July 2024, Windows still holds the position of the most preferred operating system with a 72% market share. On the other hand, Linux reaching a 4.5% market share indicates an increased willingness among users to turn to alternative systems. This situation is influenced by the growing number of users who are uncomfortable with Microsoft’s operating system and want to either join or leave Apple’s MacOS ecosystem.

  • Although Linux’s market share reached 4% in February 2024, it fell to 3.9% in April and May.
  • However, with the recent increases, the market share continues to rise, and analyses predict that it could reach 5% by February 2025.

An Alternative Offering Everything for Free

Linux distributions have made significant progress in recent years. In particular, some popular distributions that stand out with their user-friendly interfaces and strong performances include Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and Zorin OS. The vast majority of these distributions are offered to users completely free of charge.

Many users have started to prefer Linux, which offers rich capabilities and a fast user experience, over other operating systems that provide similar features for a fee. If Linux manages to exceed a 10% market share within 2025, a major transformation could occur in the software and operating system world. This could change the course of technological competition and initiate a new era in user preferences.

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