
Tensions Rise at Twitter Headquarters Amid New Verification Launch

As Twitter rolls out its new verification system, tensions escalate at the headquarters. Employees voice concerns over the changes, while users eagerly await the impact on authenticity and trust within the platform. Discover the unfolding drama.



The Tense Atmosphere at Twitter Headquarters

On November 9, 2022, anxiety permeated the air among the Twitter employees who had gathered at the company’s San Francisco headquarters. They were grappling with the reality that their newly appointed boss, Elon Musk, was not fully aware of the potential ramifications of a service they had just launched. This service, known as Twitter Blue, allowed users to purchase one of the platform’s highly sought-after verified badges. The launch had been live for only a few hours, but the implications were already alarming.

As Musk stepped out of the glass-walled conference room, which offered sweeping views of San Francisco City Hall, the atmosphere shifted dramatically. The employees, who had initially adopted a welcoming and respectful demeanor, were now acutely aware of the risks associated with the verification process. They understood that users depended on these verified check marks to differentiate between credible information and misinformation on the platform. This included critical data such as bus schedules, hurricane evacuation orders, and updates from celebrities.

Esther Crawford, a director of product management, voiced her concerns, emphasizing the importance of the verification system. According to multiple attendees, she stated, “All these other people around the world rely on a label of some kind, a badge of some kind, to tell them this is the real account to listen to. And they will be hijacked.”

In response, Christian Dowell, a company lawyer, highlighted the potential dangers of allowing unverified accounts to obtain badges. He suggested that these accounts could exploit their newfound credibility to orchestrate harassment campaigns, potentially leading to dire consequences, including directing SWAT teams to innocent individuals’ homes. He ominously warned, “Somebody could die, actually.”

When Musk re-entered the room, the conversation fell silent. His prolonged presence during launch day had been unexpected, and he casually picked through the assortment of snacks available. At one point, he took half a doughnut in a single bite, seemingly unfazed by the gravity of the discussions he had just interrupted. Musk encouraged the employees to embrace the uncertainty of the new direction, urging them to be “adventurous.” He added with a playful gesture, “We’re going to be shooting from the hip in real time,” while fashioning his hands into a pair of finger guns.

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