
Nightfall Terror in Jit Village: A Harrowing Attack by Settlers

Explore the chilling events of the Nightfall Terror in Jit Village, where settlers unleashed a harrowing attack, leaving the community in fear. Discover the impact on residents and the ongoing struggle for safety in this gripping account.



Nightfall Terror in Jit Village

As the sun dipped below the horizon, a wave of fear swept through the small village of Jit in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Witnesses reported seeing a large group of Israeli settlers, their faces concealed by masks and clad in dark clothing, approaching the village armed with rocks, Kalashnikov rifles, and M-16s.

Among the first to spot the approaching danger was Muawiya al-Sidee, a local resident. His 13-year-old daughter raised the alarm, her voice filled with terror as she exclaimed, “Baba, settlers are coming!” The chilling shout echoed through their home, where Mr. al-Sidee and his wife were occupied with their young children. At that moment, his wife was breastfeeding their 2-year-old daughter.

Realizing the imminent threat, Mr. al-Sidee quickly gathered his five children and rushed them into their car. They fled just moments before the settlers reached their doorstep. In a frantic rage, the settlers from the nearby Eli settlement began smashing the windows of the al-Sidee family home. They hurled three Molotov cocktails inside, igniting fierce flames that consumed the rooms where the family had only moments before shared laughter and warmth.

As the chaos erupted, a call resonated through the village, amplified by mosque loudspeakers, urging the young men of Jit to come forth and protect their community from the marauding settlers. The night was filled with a sense of urgency and bravery as the villagers responded to the call.

After the settlers finally withdrew, Mr. al-Sidee returned to his home to assess the damage. What he found was heartbreaking: the once-cozy sofas were reduced to charred remnants, and the overhead lamps had melted under the intense heat of the flames. The attack left not only physical scars on his home but also deep emotional wounds on a community grappling with fear and uncertainty.

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