
Hunter Biden Seeks U.S. Government Assistance for Burisma in Italy

Explore Hunter Biden’s request for U.S. government assistance regarding Burisma’s operations in Italy. Discover the implications of this move and its potential impact on international relations and business practices.



Hunter Biden’s Request for U.S. Government Assistance in Italy

In a significant revelation, newly uncovered records and interviews indicate that Hunter Biden actively sought help from the U.S. government for a potentially profitable energy initiative in Italy while his father was serving as vice president. These records, which had been withheld by the Biden administration for several years, shed light on Hunter’s communications regarding his role with the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

Specifically, the documents reveal that Hunter Biden penned at least one letter in 2016 to the U.S. ambassador to Italy, requesting assistance for Burisma, where he held a position on the board. This request raised eyebrows among embassy officials, who appeared to exhibit caution regarding the implications of such a request from the son of the sitting vice president on behalf of a foreign corporation.

One U.S. Commerce Department official, stationed at the U.S. Embassy in Rome and tasked with addressing Hunter’s request, expressed concern by stating, “I want to be careful about promising too much.” The official further elaborated, noting that, “This is a Ukrainian company and, purely to protect ourselves, U.S.G. should not be actively advocating with the government of Italy without the company going through the D.O.C. Advocacy Center.” The acronyms referenced the United States government and a Department of Commerce program that supports American firms seeking to engage with foreign governments.

In defense of his client, Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden’s attorney, stated that Hunter had reached out to multiple individuals, including the then-U.S. ambassador to Italy, John R. Phillips. He was inquiring whether they could facilitate an introduction between Burisma and the president of the Tuscany region, where Burisma was interested in pursuing a geothermal energy project.

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