
Former Chief of Pakistan’s Intelligence Agency Arrested for Corruption

Former Chief of Pakistan’s Intelligence Agency has been arrested on corruption charges, raising questions about accountability in national security. This significant development highlights ongoing issues within the country’s intelligence and governance.



Former Chief of Pakistan’s Intelligence Agency Arrested

The Pakistani military made a significant announcement on Monday regarding the arrest of Lt. Gen. Faiz Hameed, the former head of its premier intelligence agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence (I.S.I.). This unprecedented move has initiated court-martial proceedings against General Hameed on serious charges of corruption and political interference, marking a historic moment in Pakistan’s military and political landscape.

This development is particularly notable as it represents the first instance in Pakistan’s history where a current or former chief of the I.S.I. has faced such legal actions. The timing of his arrest appears to be part of a broader crackdown on associates of the deposed former Prime Minister, Imran Khan, who had appointed General Hameed as the spy chief during his tenure.

According to a statement released by the Inter-Services Public Relations (I.S.P.R.), the military’s official media wing, disciplinary measures have been taken against General Hameed under the Pakistan Army Act. These measures are linked to a scandal that emerged in 2017 involving a private housing development in Islamabad. Allegations suggest that General Hameed and his brother attempted to unlawfully acquire ownership of the housing project through coercive tactics, including arresting and blackmailing the property’s owner, as detailed in court proceedings.

Furthermore, the authorities have accused General Hameed of transgressing the Pakistani Army Act after his retirement in 2022. Although the specifics of the charges were not disclosed in the announcement, the Army Act explicitly prohibits military officials from participating in political activities for a duration of two years post-retirement.

The I.S.I. is renowned as one of Pakistan’s most powerful and influential institutions, and General Hameed once epitomized the formidable and often intimidating power that characterizes the military’s role in the country. His overt ambitions contributed to the ongoing political turmoil that has enveloped Pakistan over the last two years.

During his tenure at the I.S.I., General Hameed strategically aligned himself with Imran Khan, who sought to elevate him to the position of army chief—arguably the most influential role in Pakistan, where the military is perceived as the unseen force steering the nation’s political direction. However, Khan’s endeavor to promote Hameed to this pivotal role became a significant point of contention between the two, ultimately culminating in Khan’s ousting in 2022.

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