
The Enchantment of the Pont du Carrousel during the Paris Olympics

Discover the magic of the Pont du Carrousel as it transforms during the Paris Olympics. Explore its stunning views, vibrant atmosphere, and the captivating blend of history and celebration at this iconic landmark.



If the Olympic Games have transformed Paris into a midsummer night’s dream, then perhaps the Pont du Carrousel stands as its very heart—a softly illuminated bridge that arches over the shimmering waters of the Seine. This iconic structure has taken on a myriad of roles as the weeks unfold, embodying the spirit of the city in motion.

The broad expanse of the bridge gracefully connects the Quai Voltaire on the Left Bank to the majestic Louvre courtyard on the Right Bank, featuring three elegant vaulted openings. It has long been a favored spot for lovers to linger in intimate conversation, joggers to pause and catch their breath, and tourists to capture memories with their cameras. Here, wanderers of Paris find themselves spellbound by the enchanting surroundings.

There are few places in the city that offer as breathtaking a view. To the west, the Grand Palais and the Eiffel Tower rise majestically, while to the east, the domed Académie Française and the distant silhouette of the Notre-Dame Cathedral—now nearly restored after the devastating fire of 2019—create a stunning backdrop. The Seine, ever-changing, reflects the mood of the city; sometimes it churns restlessly after a rainstorm, and at other times, it lies still like a polished mirror.

Throughout much of the summer, France found itself wrapped in a shroud of somber reflection. However, the commencement of the Paris Olympics two weeks ago has ushered in a wave of patriotic fervor, replacing social fractures with a renewed sense of unity. The Pont du Carrousel, perhaps more than any other place, has become a symbol of this reconciliation, transforming barriers of division into bridges of understanding—if only for the moment.

  • Walking and cycling at the entrance to the Pont du Carrousel in Paris on a Thursday.
  • The bridge spans the Seine from Quai Voltaire on the Left Bank to a grand entrance into the Louvre courtyard on the Right Bank.

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