
Rocket Attack in Golan Heights Claims Lives of 10, Injures 19

A tragic rocket attack in the Golan Heights has claimed the lives of 10 individuals and left 19 others injured. This incident highlights the ongoing tensions in the region and the urgent need for peace and security.



Tragic Incident in the Golan Heights

A rocket launched from Lebanon struck a soccer field in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights on Saturday, resulting in the deaths of at least 10 individuals, including several youths. This information was reported by the Israeli emergency rescue service, Magen David Adom, along with the Israeli military.

Magen David Adom reported that in addition to the fatalities, 19 others sustained injuries, with some in serious condition, in the Druze village of Majdal Shams. Idan Avshalom, a paramedic with Magen David Adom, described the scene as “gruesome,” noting that the ages of those affected ranged from 10 to 20 years old. He recounted the horrific details: “We encountered bodies scattered on the ground and fires raging in the area.”

“We immediately began triage; several casualties were evacuated to local clinics,” Avshalom added, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.

While Israel has been engaged in a prolonged conflict with Hamas in southern Gaza for nearly 10 months, it has also faced hostilities from Hezbollah, an Iran-backed group operating from the north. Despite the attack, Hezbollah has denied any involvement in the incident on Saturday. However, the Israeli military has stated that its assessments, based on both ground intelligence and military analysis, indicated that Hezbollah was responsible for launching the rocket.

Since the onset of the war with Hamas, which began with their assault on southern Israel on October 7, there have been sporadic attacks against Israel from Lebanese territories. Nevertheless, both Israel and Lebanon have thus far managed to avoid escalating tensions on the northern front, although the potential for a deadly miscalculation remains a significant concern that could lead to a broader conflict.

In a somber message on Facebook, the local council of Majdal Shams referred to the day as “a dark day” for the village and urged residents to remain indoors for their safety.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened an emergency security meeting in response to the attack, according to a statement from his office. At the time, he was in the United States, where he had been involved in discussions with President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump, who is campaigning for the presidency once again.

Contributors: Euan Ward provided reporting from Beirut, Lebanon.

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