
Business Executives Navigate Relationship with Kamala Harris

Explore how business executives are navigating their relationships with Vice President Kamala Harris. Discover insights on collaboration, challenges, and opportunities as they engage in shaping policy and economic growth in today’s landscape.



Business Executives and Kamala Harris: A Complex Relationship

In recent months, some prominent business leaders have expressed uncertainty regarding their perception of Vice President Kamala Harris. Even prior to emerging as the likely Democratic presidential nominee, she has been actively working to reshape this dynamic.

To foster connections with the business community, Ms. Harris has been hosting meetings with groups of corporate executives approximately every two months at her residence in Washington, D.C. According to two executives who have participated, these gatherings have provided an opportunity for dialogue and engagement.

During a state dinner in May honoring President William Ruto of Kenya, Ms. Harris engaged with business leaders on various economic issues, including access to labor and worker training. An attendee noted the insightful discussions that took place around these critical topics.

In April, she attended an event at the Colette Club on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, organized by business executive Charles Phillips, a long-time supporter. Speaking to around 30 Black business leaders—a demographic with whom she seeks to cultivate strong ties—Ms. Harris delivered a compelling 40-minute address without relying on notes or a teleprompter. Her remarks centered on vital economic issues such as job creation, inflation, and global trade, followed by a Q&A session that encouraged open dialogue.

“People showed up and really appreciated what she had to say,” remarked Mr. Phillips. “The feedback was overwhelmingly positive.”

During her campaign for the presidency in 2020, Ms. Harris often proclaimed to business audiences, “I’m a capitalist,” a statement that starkly contrasted with the sentiments of the more progressive factions within the Democratic Party. Despite these efforts, she remains somewhat of an enigma in the business sector.

Ms. Harris has been making regular fundraising trips to New York and other financial hubs for nearly a decade, a trend that began before her Senate campaign in California in 2016. However, according to three prominent financiers who have met with her, her presence in these circles has been less frequent in recent times.

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