
Protests in Warsaw Against Rejection of Abortion Law Reform

Explore the recent protests in Warsaw as citizens rally against the rejection of abortion law reform. Discover the voices, stories, and motivations behind this significant movement advocating for women’s rights and reproductive freedom.



Protests Erupt in Warsaw Over Abortion Law Rejection

In a powerful display of discontent, Polish women’s rights organizations gathered in Warsaw to protest the parliament’s recent decision to reject a bill aimed at reforming the nation’s stringent abortion legislation. This demonstration, organized by several women’s groups on Tuesday, marked the final day of the Sejm’s (the lower house of parliament) session before the summer recess.

On July 12, the Sejm voted against a significant bill that sought to decriminalize abortion. The proposal would have ensured that individuals assisting a woman in terminating her pregnancy would no longer face legal repercussions. The outcome of the vote saw 215 MPs in favor and 218 against, highlighting a deep divide in the legislature.

As protesters took to the streets, one demonstrator passionately stated, “We are here because we want to show that abortion is something we need. We need it regulated now and we need what the government promised us.” Another protester echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the betrayal felt by those who had supported the current government, saying, “We voted for the government that promised us civil unions and abortion rights.”

The rally attracted a diverse crowd, with men joining in solidarity. One male participant remarked, “I have a wife, I have a daughter, and I stand in solidarity with women. Even more so, men should have nothing to say in the matter. If anything, they should simply support women.”

The demand for the right to a safe and legal abortion played a pivotal role in mobilizing voters during the 2023 parliamentary elections in Poland. Many young citizens expressed a desire for change after years of governance by the right-wing populist Law and Justice party, led by Jarosław Kaczyński.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk, whose coalition won the election on a platform that included the liberalization of abortion laws, has made this issue a central focus of his government. However, the Polish parliament’s rejection of an amendment to the Penal Code in mid-July, which would have decriminalized assisted abortion and allowed terminations up to the 12th week of pregnancy with the consent of the woman, has sparked outrage.

At a recent press conference in Warsaw, Tusk acknowledged the dedicated women who have tirelessly advocated for the liberalization of abortion laws. He stated, “All those women who have been involved in the liberalization of abortion law for years have already given a very clear signal, many times, that a return to the compromise being pushed by the Polish People’s Party and Poland 2050 is an unacceptable situation.” It is important to note that both the Polish People’s Party and Poland 2050 are center-right parties that form part of the current coalition government.

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