
María Corina Machado: A New Hope for Venezuela’s Opposition

Explore the rising political star María Corina Machado and her vision for a united Venezuelan opposition. Discover how her leadership could pave the way for change and hope in Venezuela’s ongoing struggle for democracy.



The Rise of María Corina Machado: A Beacon of Hope in Venezuela

She journeys across the nation dressed in white, her rosaries gently swaying from her neck as she moves. Women find solace in her embrace, crying out their burdens, while men fervently seek her intercession and salvation. Just last week, the government stripped her of her bodyguard, forcing her to navigate the streets unprotected.

As she ascended onto the hood of her weathered car — her impromptu podium — supporters surged forward, eager to connect with her. One enthusiastic admirer handed her a hand-drawn portrait, depicting María Corina Machado enveloped by the Venezuelan flag and embraced by the arms of Jesus Christ.

“María!” shouted one devoted supporter, “please, help us!”

Ms. Machado, 56, has swiftly emerged as the new face of the Venezuelan opposition, igniting both hope and fear within the ruling party. In just a few months, she has transitioned from the political sidelines to orchestrating a formidable social movement, capable of mobilizing thousands on the streets — and potentially millions at the ballot box.

Though she is not the one officially running for president, she is the relentless force propelling the main opposition candidate, a relatively unknown diplomat named Edmundo González. The grassroots movement that Ms. Machado has ignited comes on the heels of years of widespread political apathy in Venezuela, where President Nicolás Maduro’s administration has systematically crushed protests and jailed dissenters, contributing to a staggering exodus of citizens seeking a better life abroad.

Recently, supporters of President Nicolás Maduro gathered in Caracas, where he ominously warned of a “blood bath” should he fail to secure victory in the upcoming election.

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