
New Emoji Designs and Eye Puffiness Expression

Explore the expression of eye puffiness with new emoji designs! Learn ways to express your feelings more effectively and enrich your communication. Don’t miss out on innovations in the world of emojis!



New Emoji Designs and the Swelling of Our Eyes

You may have been very tired all night and unable to get a deep sleep. When you wake up in the morning, the swelling under your eyes is bothering you. In this case, how would you express this situation on social media? Writing “My eyes are swollen” might not be enough, as no one may pay attention to this expression. Therefore, you need an emoji that will effectively convey the swelling under your eyes.

Phone manufacturers have created 8 new emoji designs with the aim of helping these desperate people’s troubles. However, it is worth noting that these emojis have not yet been officially accepted. These designs, which have been opened for review by Emojipedia, affiliated with the Unicode Consortium, will start appearing on devices beginning in October. However, for this to happen, the emojis need to be officially approved in September. Changes can be made to these drafts until September 10, 2024; however, it is highly likely that no significant revisions will occur.

Why New Flag Emojis?

In the meantime, the acceptance of new flag emojis had been paused for a while. However, it seems that the Unicode Consortium has granted special privilege to the flag of Sark Island, located in the English Channel off the coast of Normandy, France. This is because users on this island had sparked a significant discussion on social media by asking, “Why don’t we have our flag?” This situation once again highlights how important the acceptance of flag emojis is.

As a result, new emoji designs and flag emojis aim to help users express themselves better. We eagerly await the innovations and conveniences that these new emojis will bring to our daily lives.

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