
President Biden Tests Positive for COVID-19

Shocking news as President Biden tests positive for COVID-19, raising concerns about his health and ability to lead the nation during this challenging time.



Under mounting pressure from within his party, President Joe Biden has been diagnosed with COVID-19. The White House confirmed that Biden will be self-isolating as his doctors report his symptoms to be mild.

Unexpected News During Las Vegas Visit

The news broke while President Biden was in Las Vegas on Wednesday, where he had planned to address Latino voters. Unfortunately, he was unable to make the speech after testing positive for the virus. Unidos US President and CEO, Janet Murguia, informed the audience of the president’s absence due to his recent COVID-19 diagnosis.

President’s Regrets and Disappointment

Janet Murguia shared, “I was just on the phone with President Biden, and he expressed his deep disappointment at not being able to join us this afternoon. The president tested positive for COVID and will need to focus on his recovery.”

Continuation of Presidential Duties

White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, stated that President Biden will be flying back to his home in Delaware for self-isolation. Despite this, he will continue to fulfill all his presidential duties during this period.

Past COVID-19 Experience

President Biden had previously contracted COVID-19 in July 2022, recovering within a week. Following a rebound case, he was cleared by early August. In a recent interview, Biden had mentioned his willingness to consider stepping down from the presidential race if faced with a serious medical condition.

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