
Battlestar Galactica Series and Artificial Intelligence Debates

Battlestar Galactica series is a masterpiece that triggers deep discussions on artificial intelligence. Questioning the interaction between humanity and artificial intelligence, the series leads viewers towards philosophical thoughts.



The United Nations is known to have invited the team of the 2013 TV series Battlestar Galactica to the General Assembly due to its script addressing the theme of genocide. In the series, as human warriors try to escape from artificial intelligent robots to save their lives, they reach a point where they contemplate, “Are we committing a genocide because even though they are robots, they think and feel?”

Artificial intelligence has also started to gain importance in the business world today. An HR company’s use of artificial intelligence technology to analyze job applications led to remarkable outcomes. The company wanted to use artificial intelligence algorithms to evaluate job applications and also promote this process as an advertising tool. However, this initiative faced significant backlash. Executives explained that they wanted to attract the attention of large companies by granting identity and legal rights to artificial intelligence algorithms as if they were real employees. Yet, this move faced heavy criticism from around the world.

As people decided not to apply for the job postings by the company, the company executives, unable to withstand the criticism, decided to cancel their AI-powered services. The CEO of the company, Sarah Franklin, stated, “Lattice is rewriting the history of artificial intelligence. We will be the first company to provide official employee records to digital employees. Digital employees will be hired, trained, provided with goals, performance measurements, appropriate system access, and even assigned a manager safely, just like any person,” in her announcement.

As artificial intelligence gains increasing importance in the business world, debates continue regarding the integration of this technology into human resources processes. Incidents like these, concerning the effects and boundaries of artificial intelligence in the business world, will be carefully examined for future artificial intelligence applications.

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