
CoinDesk Daily Market Update

Stay up to date with the latest cryptocurrency market trends and insights with CoinDesk Daily Market Update. Get a comprehensive overview of price movements, news, and analysis in the crypto space.



CoinDesk Indices provides a daily market update showcasing the performance of assets in the CoinDesk 20 Index.

The CoinDesk 20 Index is currently at 2154.67, reflecting an increase of 8.2% (+163.12) compared to last Friday’s closing value. All 20 assets within the index are experiencing positive growth.

Leaders and Laggards:

  • Leaders: ICP (+26.1%) and XRP (+13.7%).
  • Laggards: LTC (+1.2%) and UNI (+3.7%).

The CoinDesk 20 Index is a comprehensive index traded on various platforms across different global regions.

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