
Hamas’s Hidden Tactics in Gaza Conflict

Explore the covert strategies employed by Hamas in the Gaza conflict, shedding light on their hidden tactics and methods in the ongoing conflict in the region.



Hamas’s Decentralized and Hidden Tactics

They hide under residential neighborhoods, storing their weapons in miles of tunnels and in various inconspicuous locations such as houses, mosques, and even a child’s bedroom. This blurs the boundary between civilians and combatants.

Stealthy Emergence and Surprise Attacks

Hamas fighters emerge from hiding in plainclothes, sometimes wearing sandals or tracksuits, before engaging in combat activities. They fire on Israeli troops, attach mines to vehicles, or launch rockets from civilian areas. Their tactics involve rigging abandoned homes with explosives and tripwires, occasionally luring Israeli soldiers into booby-trapped buildings.

Adapting to Confrontations

Throughout eight months of conflict in Gaza, Hamas’s military wing, the Qassam Brigades, has adapted to the situation by fighting as a decentralized and hidden force. Rather than engaging in direct frontal battles with the Israeli forces, most Hamas fighters have retreated from their traditional bases and outposts. They aim to counter Israel’s technological and numerical superiority by launching surprise attacks on smaller groups of soldiers.

Utilizing Underground Tunnels

Hamas’s ghost army operates from underground tunnels, making brief appearances to launch attacks on Israeli soldiers. Armed with rocket-propelled grenades, they swiftly retreat back into their subterranean fortress after ambushing their targets. Sometimes, Hamas fighters hide among civilians who chose to remain in their neighborhoods despite evacuation orders, or accompany civilians returning to areas previously captured and abandoned by the Israelis.

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