
Rising Costs Squeeze French Consumers

French consumers are feeling the pressure as rising costs impact their purchasing power. Learn more about how increasing prices are squeezing household budgets in France.



Struggling with Rising Costs in France

Celine Gallois is feeling the pinch of soaring prices in French supermarkets. Over the past couple of years, prices have surged by almost a third, leaving her with a weekly grocery bill of around 80 euros for just the essentials like pasta, milk, meat, and fruit.

But the impact doesn’t stop there. The cost of fueling her small car has spiked to €90 a week from €60, while her electricity bills, previously subsidized by the government during an energy crisis, have skyrocketed once more after the subsidy ended.

All of these financial strains prompted Celine to make a significant decision during France’s recent parliamentary elections – casting her vote for Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally party for the first time.

Expressing her frustration, Celine shared, “People are struggling, and there seems to be no relief in sight. The government claims to have addressed the issue, but we continue to fall further behind.”

As the aftermath of the elections unfolds, one sentiment remains unchanged – the widespread anger over the ongoing cost-of-living crisis that is impacting households throughout France.

Celine Gallois, accompanied by her fiancé Stéphane Marcellot, opted for the National Rally party out of exasperation with the escalating cost of living.

Credit: James Hill for The New York Times

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