
Winner of the Artificial Intelligence Beauty Contest: Kenza Laylie

The victory of the Artificial Intelligence Beauty Contest goes to Kenza Laylie! Kenza captured hearts with her unique beauty and intelligence. Click here for details!



Style, beauty, and elegance can stand out in most beauty contests. However, for the winner of the first-ever artificial intelligence beauty contest, more than just beauty was required. Artificially generated imaginary characters have become so realistic that people follow them on social media, even listen to their words, like them, and admire them. This new trend has brought along a beauty contest for female characters created with artificial intelligence.

The winner of this contest was Kenza Laylie, a ‘influencer’ from Morocco created by a computer. 1,500 AI women participated in the Fanvue World AI Creator Awards contest and the winner was promised a $13,000 prize. Of course, the prize was received by the team that created the AI women, not the AI women themselves.

So, how did Kenza win? You can watch a video of Kenza below. If you don’t inspect carefully, it’s very easy to mistake her for a real human. However, if you pay attention to her hands, you can see that in some frames, the fingers and the shape of the hand are momentarily distorted, which is a problem that artificial intelligence has not yet solved while creating humans but is improving over time.

  • Just 6 months ago, artificial intelligence couldn’t draw a human hand properly, but now, although not flawless, it can draw hands much more successfully.
  • Participants were evaluated based on their realistic appearances, technological skills, and their influence on social media.

In second place was an artificial intelligence character named Lalina, who claims to provide ‘classy feelings with a seductive touch‘ to her 93,000 followers on Instagram. The character that came in third place was a Portuguese travel influencer AI named Olivia C.

You can watch one of the specially prepared videos for the contest from the winner Kenza below.

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