
Special US-UK Connection

Explore the unique and historical bond between the United States and the United Kingdom in this captivating content. Learn about the special US-UK Connection and its impact on politics, culture, and more.



It was a carefully staged display of big-power theatrics — or more precisely, of middle-power-meets-big-power theatrics.

Phone Call Between Leaders

“You are now connected to Air Force One,” said a White House operator, as Prime Minister Keir Starmer of Britain hunched over a speakerphone, in a short video released on Saturday by 10 Downing Street.

Warm Exchange

“Mr. Prime Minister, congratulations,” said President Biden, who was flying to Wisconsin for a campaign rally. “What a hell of a victory!”

Focus on Special Relationship

The two leaders spoke warmly about the importance of the “special relationship” between Britain and the United States, their shared commitment to defending Ukraine and an upcoming rendezvous: Mr. Starmer is leaving on Tuesday for Washington, where Mr. Biden is hosting a NATO summit.

Potential New Era

Not since Barack Obama’s first term have the White House and Downing Street both been in the hands of center-left parties. After years of tensions over Brexit, Northern Ireland and frustrated British hopes for a trade deal, this could augur a new era of harmony in the trans-Atlantic relationship.

Uncertain Future

It could also be a brief era. The American election in four months could restore to the presidency Donald J. Trump, who managed to have vexed relationships with a right-of-center British leader, Prime Minister Theresa May, let alone a left-of-center one.

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