
Romanian Authorities to Relocate 30 Bears from Transfăgărășan to Zărnești Sanctuary

Romanian authorities are planning to relocate 30 bears from Transfăgărășan to Zărnești Sanctuary in a conservation effort to ensure the safety and well-being of these majestic animals.



According to a report by Euronews Romania, Romanian authorities are taking action to move 30 bears from Transfăgărășan to Zărnești Sanctuary. This decision comes as the Environment Minister plans to issue an order or amend the law to address the safety concerns arising from frequent bear sightings.

Last year, there were more than 400 bear sightings in Vidraru-Transfăgărășan, and this year has already seen 120 sightings as the tourist season kicks off. Each sighting requires police intervention, highlighting the seriousness of the situation.

In a statement to Euronews, the Minister of the Environment emphasized the urgency of the matter, stating, “We will solve this problem swiftly.” A new order or law will be implemented to facilitate the relocation process.

The relocation of the bears aims to ensure the safety of both locals and tourists. By moving the bears to a protected area like Zărnești Sanctuary, they can peacefully coexist without posing a threat to humans. The sanctuary is well-equipped with facilities and experienced staff to accommodate the relocated bears.

Watch the full report in the player above to learn more about this initiative.

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