
The Vatican Excommunicates Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

The Vatican has made the decision to excommunicate Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, sparking controversy and discussions within the Catholic community. Learn more about this significant event.



The Vatican announced on Friday that Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former ambassador of the church to the United States, has been excommunicated. The Vatican found him guilty of schism for his refusal to acknowledge the authority of Pope Francis and the liberal reforms implemented after the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s.

Archbishop Viganò’s Controversial Stance

Archbishop Viganò has emerged as a vocal conservative critic of Pope Francis, publicly referring to him as a “false prophet” and a “servant of Satan.” He has also embraced right-wing conspiracy theories and praised former President Donald J. Trump. In 2018, Archbishop Viganò wrote a 7,000-word letter demanding the Pope’s resignation, accusing him of covering up sexual abuse by an American cardinal. Additionally, in 2015, he provoked controversy by inviting a critic of gay rights to meet the pope in Washington, challenging Francis’ message of inclusivity.

Further Controversies and Excommunication

More recently, Archbishop Viganò has taken anti-vaccine stances and attributed the war in Ukraine to “deep state” forces in the West, blaming them for demonizing Russia. Despite being excommunicated, Archbishop Viganò will retain his title but will not be permitted to conduct Mass, receive or administer sacraments, or hold official positions within the church hierarchy.

Response and Condemnation

Archbishop Viganò did not immediately respond to the Vatican’s decision. In a statement, he stated that he does not recognize the authority of the tribunal that judged him. He continued to criticize the liberal changes in the church and accused the pope of promoting vaccines as a “crime against humanity.” He also condemned the pope’s stance on climate change and his vision of a church that is welcoming to immigrants, environmentally conscious, and supportive of LGBTQ rights.

Other Punishments in the Church

Archbishop Viganò is not the only outspoken right-wing clergy member to face consequences. Rev. Frank Pavone, the leader of Priests for Life, was defrocked in 2022, and Cardinal Raymond Burke, a prominent figure among Catholic traditionalists critical of Francis, was reportedly evicted from his subsidized Vatican apartment last year.

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