
Italian Prime Minister Condemns Antisemitism and Fascism

Italian Prime Minister strongly denounces the rise of antisemitism and fascism, emphasizing the importance of tolerance and unity in society. Learn more about his powerful speech.



Italy’s Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, has strongly denounced antisemitism, racism, and nostalgia for totalitarian regimes within her political party. This comes after a disturbing revelation made by an Italian news outlet which captured members of the youth section of her party glorifying fascism on a hidden camera.

In an email addressed to the directors of her party, Brothers of Italy, Ms. Meloni expressed her disappointment and anger at the behavior of some members of their youth movement. She emphasized the importance of rejecting such ideologies and behaviors.

The undercover report, unveiled in two parts last month by, exposed members of the youth arm of Brothers of Italy engaging in fascist salutes, praising Benito Mussolini, distributing stickers with fascist slogans, and identifying themselves as fascists. Shockingly, some were even caught on camera shouting “Sieg heil” – a phrase associated with the Nazis – in addition to making racist and antisemitic remarks.

This incident has dealt a blow to Ms. Meloni’s efforts to distance her party from its fascist origins. Despite her attempts to present herself as a modern and pragmatic leader, the footage revealed that certain elements within the party still cling to a dark past. Ms. Meloni reiterated the need to move forward and abandon any remnants of fascist ideology.

This episode serves as a stark reminder that while the party has evolved from its fringe beginnings to a prominent political force in Italy, there are factions that continue to harbor sentiments linked to Italy’s tumultuous history.

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