
Debating President Biden’s Performance: A Conservative Narrative

Explore a conservative perspective on President Biden’s performance through insightful debates and analysis. Delve into key issues and viewpoints in this engaging narrative.



The Narrative Surrounding President Biden’s Debate Performance

In the aftermath of the recent presidential debate, a video clip went viral showing Jill Biden assisting her husband as he stepped down from the stage. This moment sparked a narrative among conservative circles, suggesting that President Biden’s debate performance reinforced concerns about his age and fitness for office.

Even before assuming office, critics on the right have consistently raised doubts about Mr. Biden’s abilities, often emphasizing incidents like him falling off a bike or stumbling during speeches. Whenever President Biden exceeds expectations, skeptics imply he might be using performance-enhancing substances, with some bluntly suggesting he was “jacked up” on drugs.

Following the debate, which drew an audience of 51 million viewers, worries about the president’s competence became more widespread, particularly among conservative media outlets. Some commentators couldn’t resist highlighting what they perceived as a subpar performance, with Fox News host Brian Kilmeade remarking, “The media woke up yesterday. They couldn’t believe how bad Joe Biden did. Why are they just realizing it?”

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