
Evaluation on the Statements of Microsoft AI Manager Mustafa Süleyman

Details about the latest statements of Microsoft AI Manager Mustafa Süleyman are being examined. The details of the evaluation are here!



It seems that Mustafa Suleyman, the Microsoft AI executive, holds a mistaken belief that content shared on the open web can be freely copied and used by everyone. Suleyman made interesting remarks during his interview with CNBC’s Andrew Ross Sorkin, responding to claims of AI companies engaging in plagiarism regarding intellectual property rights.

Suleyman stated that content available on the open web should be accessible for everyone due to social consensus. However, this statement could potentially cause serious issues regarding copyright. In many countries, once a work is created, it is protected by copyright, which usually belongs to the creator.

While the use of copyrighted content by AI companies for educational purposes is often considered under ‘fair use,’ this is not always applicable. Additionally, it should be noted that fair use is a concept determined by courts and is not solely based on social consensus.

Another notable point in Suleyman’s statements was his comments on the ‘robots.txt’ file used by some websites to prevent unauthorized use of their data. However, the presence or absence of this file does not affect whether a content is considered under fair use. AI companies should be cautious in this regard.

  • Suleyman’s remarks seem to bring attention to significant issues regarding copyright and fair use.
  • It is crucial for AI companies to take more transparent and legally compliant steps in content usage.

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