
The Unique Identity of Gourin

Discover the captivating story of Gourin and explore its unique identity through a blend of culture, history, and tradition. Uncover the essence that sets Gourin apart from the rest.



Throughout the decades, Gourin, a quaint town in rural Brittany, has seen a significant number of its residents venture to the United States in search of new opportunities. This strong connection led Air France to honor the town by gifting a miniature Statue of Liberty, symbolizing the binational identity shared by the people of Gourin.

The town’s pride in this dual heritage was evident when the community came together to raise funds for recasting the statue in bronze four years ago. Today, the statue stands proudly in Gourin’s main square, surrounded by international flags on poles, embodying the town’s open embrace of diverse cultures.

Despite Gourin’s historical ties to migration and immigrants, the recent European Parliament elections revealed a surprising trend, with nearly one-third of local voters supporting the far-right National Rally, a party known for its anti-immigration stance. This unexpected shift has left residents like Pierre-Marie Quesseveur of the Brittany TransAmerica association puzzled, given the town’s welcoming attitude towards different cultures.

Expressing concern over the election results and the upcoming French legislative election, Hervé Le Floc’h, the centrist mayor of Gourin, reflected on the town’s close connection to the United States. He noted that many families in Gourin have relatives who either emigrated to or returned from the U.S., bringing back valuable experiences and resources to revitalize the community.

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