
Post-Debate Concerns Shake Democrats

After the recent debate, Democrats are facing growing concerns and internal divisions. The aftermath of the debate has caused unrest within the party and raised uncertainties about the future direction.



Following a turbulent debate performance by President Biden, the Democratic camp finds itself in a state of uncertainty, contemplating their next move.

After a grueling 90-minute debate that highlighted President Biden’s primary vulnerability – concerns about his age – Democratic donors engaged in frantic exchanges of texts and emails, all echoing one pressing question: What is the backup plan?

The 81-year-old Biden’s hesitant and unsteady performance, juxtaposed against a self-assured (albeit occasionally misleading) display by Donald Trump, has triggered alarm within the Democratic ranks. With just seven weeks remaining until the Democratic National Convention and four months until the November election, some party stalwarts who had kept their reservations about Biden under wraps are now discreetly lobbying Democratic leaders and poring over rulebooks in a bid to explore options for altering the presidential ticket.

One unnamed Democratic donor, speaking to CNBC after the debate, succinctly summed up the prevailing sentiment among the party’s affluent supporters: “Disaster.” Other reactions ranged from labeling the debate as an “absolute train wreck” to declaring “game over.” Mark Buell, a prominent Democratic donor, expressed his concerns to The Times, questioning, “Do we have time to put somebody else in there?”

While Biden himself downplayed the concerns, even Vice President Kamala Harris acknowledged his “slow start” in the debate. Those skeptical of Biden argued that his performance validated their apprehensions.

A number of business leaders, including Elon Musk and financier Bill Ackman, have voiced their discontent at having to choose between Biden and Trump. Following the debate, Ackman, a supporter of Dean Phillips in his Democratic presidential bid, took to X to proclaim that Trump was poised to “win in a landslide” and urged the country to rally around him for success.

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