
Challenges Faced by Asylum Seekers in Cyprus

Explore the complex and pressing challenges encountered by asylum seekers navigating the asylum process in Cyprus. Learn about the hardships, legal barriers, and social obstacles they face in their pursuit of safety and refuge.



Cyprus Facing Challenges with Asylum Seekers

Cyprus is currently experiencing a surge in asylum seekers, with many individuals seeking refuge and awaiting the determination of their legal status. As they navigate this uncertain period, a significant portion of these asylum seekers rely on charitable assistance to meet their basic needs.

One asylum seeker from Afghanistan shared her poignant story, highlighting the challenges she faces due to health issues and the responsibilities of single motherhood. She expressed her fears about the future, particularly regarding the care of her underage son if anything were to happen to her.

Living conditions for most asylum seekers in Cyprus are dire, with many struggling to make ends meet and living well below the poverty line. This precarious situation underscores the urgent need for support and resources to assist this vulnerable population.

On the other hand, there are voices within Cyprus advocating for stricter measures to curb new arrivals. Members of the far-right National People’s Front (ELAM) party emphasize the strain that asylum seeker inflows place on the country, calling for increased efforts to address what they perceive as a pressing issue.

Watch the full report in the player above to gain further insights into the complex dynamics surrounding asylum seekers in Cyprus.

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