
Investing in Tech for Good: A Win-Win Strategy for European Startups

Learn how investing in technology for the greater good can benefit European startups, creating a win-win strategy for innovation and social impact.



As a European startup founder, it’s common to advocate for tech for good, but what does it truly mean in practice? It’s more than just a PR statement; it’s about making a real impact.

Empowering NGOs with Tech Solutions

Many NGOs struggle with outdated technology, hindering their ability to address critical issues effectively. On the other hand, startups possess the tech expertise and resources that can significantly benefit these organizations.

  • The 2023 UK Charity Digital Skills report revealed that nearly half of British charities lack the necessary technology.
  • 92% of NGO employees globally lack essential digital skills, hampering their work.

Turning Ideas into Action

Collaborations between startups and NGOs have showcased tangible results:

  • Success Written in Lipstick Foundation: Partnered with a Polish software development agency to launch a website connecting female voters with supportive candidates, resulting in increased voter turnout and impactful political changes.
  • The Lily Project: Teamed up with a Dutch software company to create an app providing sexual health education in Nicaragua, ultimately saving lives and making a significant difference in the community.

Benefits Beyond Impact

These partnerships not only drive social change but also bring various benefits to startups:

  • Employee Satisfaction: Staff finds fulfillment in contributing to meaningful projects, enhancing retention and attracting new talent.
  • Business Growth: Learning from NGO collaborations improves product development and market offerings.
  • Positive PR: Authentic engagement in tech for good initiatives builds trust and reputation in an increasingly socially conscious world.

Founders, it’s time to back your words with action. Investing in tech for good isn’t just a moral obligation; it’s a strategic move that can benefit your business, your employees, and society as a whole.

Jacek Siadkowski, CEO and co-founder of Tech To The Rescue Foundation, leads a movement of tech companies driving impact projects to tackle global challenges through technology.

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