
Recent Attacks in Dagestan: Details, Response, and Analysis

Explore the latest incidents of attacks in Dagestan, delve into the details, understand the response efforts, and gain insightful analysis on the situation in the region.



Recent Attacks in Dagestan

The Dagestani regional governor visited the site of a weekend attack by Islamist militants, which killed 20 and injured another 26. The region observed the first of three official days of mourning on Monday following the attack – which took the lives of 15 police officers, a 66-year-old Orthodox priest, and set a church and synagogue on fire.

Details of the Attacks

  • 20 people were killed and 26 were injured in the attacks in Makhachkala and Derbent.
  • All five attackers were killed by special forces.
  • The attackers included the two sons and a nephew of Magomed Omarov, the head of the Kremlin’s party United Russia’s regional branch in Dagestan.

Response and Investigation

The regional governor Sergei Melikov visited the church and synagogue in Derbent and spoke with priests and members of the local Jewish community. While there was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attacks, Melikov said it was performed by members of Islamist “sleeper cells” directed from abroad.

Background on Dagestan

  • Dagestan is known as one of Russia’s most diverse but volatile regions, with more than 30 recognised ethnic groups and 13 local languages.
  • Since the early 2000s, the region has faced violence due to insurgents from wars in neighbouring Chechnya being pushed into Dagestan by Russian security forces.

Analysis and Outlook

Harold Chambers, a political and security analyst specializing in the North Caucasus, highlighted factors contributing to the unrest in Dagestan, including sympathizers to the Ukrainian cause and Russia’s repressive measures. He noted that authorities were caught off guard by the recent attack and emphasized the need for a comprehensive strategy beyond deportation and repression.

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