
Apple Music Updates in iOS 18

Learn more about the new features introduced with the iOS 18 update of Apple Music. Enhance your music experience with new features and improvements, making it even more enjoyable.



With the iOS 18 update, many new features are being added to Apple devices, while no major changes are expected in the Apple Music application. However, some important updates have been made in the background.

Event Tickets with Apple Wallet

The new Tickets feature in Wallet enhances event information. Details such as venue and parking information, seat-side food delivery, etc., can now be viewed in synchronization with Apple Music.

Music Haptics Feature

The Music Haptics feature added to Apple Music aims to improve the music experience for users who are deaf or have hearing difficulties. By adding touches, textures, and enhanced vibrations to the sound of music through the Taptic Engine, a richer experience will be provided.

InSight on Apple TV+

The InSight feature on Apple TV+ provides real-time information about actors, characters, and music in movies and shows. Users can select an actor to learn background information or quickly add a playing song to Apple Music.

Apple states that the beta tests of iOS 18 are still in the early stages. As the update progresses, we may encounter more features and improvements.

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