
Ángeles Flórez Peón: The Last Militiawoman of the Spanish Civil War

Discover the incredible story of Ángeles Flórez Peón, the last militiawoman of the Spanish Civil War. Learn about her bravery and legacy in this captivating historical account.



Ángeles Flórez Peón was a courageous individual who left a remarkable legacy from her involvement in the Spanish Civil War. At the age of 17, she fearlessly navigated through mortar and artillery fire to deliver food to her fellow Republican volunteers in the trenches of northern Spain. Her bravery continued as she became a nurse at 18, caring for the wounded during the conflict that aimed to protect Spain from a military takeover.

Tragedy struck when Nationalist troops attacked the hospital where she worked in Asturias, leading to her arrest and a harsh 15-year sentence in a women’s prison. The haunting memory of witnessing her fellow inmates being taken out and shot stayed with her for a lifetime.

Ángeles Flórez Peón passed away on May 23 in a hospital in Gijón, Asturias, at the remarkable age of 105. She was hailed as the last surviving militiawoman of the Spanish Civil War by the Spanish press. Even in her later years, she remained politically active and participated as the oldest Socialist candidate in the regional elections in Asturias at the age of 104.

Her life story reflects an era filled with intense emotions, hopes, suffering, and resilience. Her unwavering commitment to equality, liberty, and social justice left a lasting impact on those who knew her and the generations that followed.

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