
Hurricane Maria’s Impact on Cayo Santiago Island Macaques

Explore the devastating effects of Hurricane Maria on the Cayo Santiago Island macaque population. Learn how the storm impacted their habitat and behavior.



Devastation on Cayo Santiago Island

Hurricane Maria wreaked havoc on Cayo Santiago, a small island off the coast of Puerto Rico, transforming it from a lush jungle oasis to a barren landscape with skeletal trees.

Effects on Macaques

The hurricane’s aftermath posed a significant challenge for the island’s resident macaques. With the destruction of trees that provided shade, the monkeys struggled to stay cool in the tropical heat.

Unexpected Behavior

Despite their reputation for aggression and competition, the macaques surprised researchers by displaying unexpected behavior. Rather than engaging in fierce battles over limited shade, they chose to cooperate and expand their social networks.

Research Insights

Camille Testard, a behavioral ecologist and neuroscientist at Harvard University, expressed astonishment at the macaques’ behavior, noting that instead of escalating aggression, they became more social and less competitive.

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