
Amazon to Replace Plastic Air Pillows with Recycled Paper Filler

Amazon’s eco-friendly initiative involves replacing plastic air pillows with recycled paper filler, contributing to a more sustainable packaging solution.



Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, is on the verge of eliminating plastic air pillows from its packaging and replacing them with recycled paper filler. This eco-friendly initiative is a response to mounting pressure from environmentalists urging companies to reduce plastic waste.

By making this switch, Amazon estimates that it will prevent the use of nearly 15 billion air pillows annually in North America. This move marks the company’s most significant plastic packaging reduction effort to date, according to a recent news release.

As online shopping continues to grow, many retailers are under scrutiny for their heavy reliance on plastic packaging. Oceana, an ocean conservancy group, welcomed Amazon’s decision but emphasized the importance of further reducing single-use packaging such as padded plastic envelopes still in use by the company.

Plastic air pillows, commonly found in packages, are typically made from plastic film. This type of plastic waste is a major contributor to marine pollution, posing a significant threat to marine life like sea turtles and seabirds. Unlike paper alternatives, plastic film is not easily compostable or recyclable through standard curbside programs.

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