
Putin’s Choice of Aircraft and Recent Trips

Explore Putin’s choice of aircraft and his recent trips around the world. Discover the luxurious jets he uses for his travels and the destinations he visits.



Putin’s Choice of Aircraft

When President Vladimir V. Putin embarks on international trips, he opts for the dated, Soviet-designed Ilyushin Il-96 series jets. Despite the availability of newer Western aircraft models, Russian airline carriers have moved away from Ilyushin planes. However, Mr. Putin continues to demonstrate his faith in the reliability of these aircraft.

Recent Trips and Controversies

President Putin’s recent visit to North Korea and Vietnam was aimed at strengthening alliances and security ties amidst Russia’s conflict in Ukraine. Notable past trips include a 2023 journey to the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, where he flew on an Il-96 accompanied by fighter jets. In 2018, a similar aircraft facilitated his summit meeting with former U.S. President Donald J. Trump in Finland.

The Rossiya Special Flight Squadron

The Rossiya special flight squadron, also known as the 235th separate aviation detachment, manages the Kremlin’s aircraft fleet, which includes Il-96s, Tu-214 airplanes, and Mi-38 helicopters. With a workforce of around 2,500 individuals, this unit remains largely shrouded in mystery, operating behind the scenes to ensure the smooth functioning of President Putin’s air travel.

Despite the puzzlement from outsiders regarding Putin’s choice of outdated planes, some experts suggest that his preference for Soviet-designed aircraft could be a deliberate message of Russian resilience and strength. As former intelligence strategist Adam Taichi Kraft notes, it may reflect a symbolic act of will on the part of the Russian leader.

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