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AV Çözümleri ve Hibrit Çalışma Raporu

AV çözümleri ve hibrit çalışma raporu, iş dünyasında dijital dönüşüm sürecindeki önemli adımlardan biridir. Bu rapor, modern işyerlerindeki ses ve görüntü teknolojilerinin etkili kullanımını ele alarak verimliliği artırır.



AV çözümleri ve hizmetleri sağlayıcısı Kinly’nin yaptığı yeni araştırma, işletmelerin büyük bir çoğunluğunun ofis alanlarının hibrit çalışmaya uygun olmadığını kabul ettiğini gösteriyor. Ancak aynı zamanda, işletmelerin çalışanlarından en azından kısmi olarak ofise geri dönmesini istediği de belirtiliyor.

Kinly tarafından Birleşik Krallık, Almanya, Hollanda ve İskandinav ülkelerinde 400’den fazla AV profesyonelinin katılımıyla gerçekleştirilen ankete göre, işletmelerin hibrit çalışma modeline uygun bir denge bulmakta zorlandığı ortaya çıktı. Ankete katılan işletmelerin yaklaşık %28’i esnek ve uzaktan iletişimin karmaşıklığını en büyük endişe kaynağı olarak gösterirken, %57’si zayıf hibrit akışların, %58’i ise eski AV teknolojilerinin verimliliği olumsuz yönde etkilediğini belirtti.

Kinly’nin İnovasyon Başkanı Simon Watson,Çalışanları ofise geri çağırmak, kötü hibrit çalışma uygulamalarına çözüm değildir. Etkili bir hibrit çalışma ortamı, doğru teknolojinin evde ve ofiste kullanılmasını sağlayarak, çalışanlara nerede olurlarsa olsunlar aynı deneyimi sunmaya dayanır.”

Rapor ayrıca, işletmelerin daha iyi bir hibrit çalışma ortamına geçişinin iş gücü üzerindeki olumlu etkilerini de vurguluyor. Geçtiğimiz yıl AV dönüşümü gerçekleştiren işletmeler, üretkenlikte %42, verimlilikte %42 ve personel tutma oranında %37 artış yaşadıklarını belirtiyor.


Cardano Activates ‘Chang’ Upgrade: A New Era of Decentralized Governance

Discover the transformative ‘Chang’ upgrade on Cardano, ushering in a new era of decentralized governance. Explore how this significant enhancement empowers users, fosters community engagement, and reshapes the blockchain landscape.



Cardano Activates “Chang” Upgrade: A New Era of Decentralized Governance

Cardano, the innovative layer-1 blockchain that was launched in 2017 by Ethereum co-founder Charles Hoskinson, has officially activated its highly anticipated “Chang” upgrade this past Sunday. This upgrade represents a significant leap toward decentralizing governance within the Cardano ecosystem, a long-planned initiative aimed at empowering its community.

With the implementation of the Chang upgrade, ADA token holders are now granted the ability to influence the future direction of Cardano by electing governance representatives and participating in votes concerning development proposals. The structure of this new community governance is outlined in CIP-1694, which stands for “Cardano Improvement Proposal.” This proposal lays the groundwork for three user-led governance bodies: The Constitutional Committee, Delegate Representatives (dReps), and Stake Pool Operators (SPOs).

In a significant shift, the three foundational entities of Cardano—the Cardano Foundation, Input Output Global (IOHK), and Emurgo—will relinquish their control over triggering chain upgrades or “hard forks.” The responsibility for such actions will now rest with the newly established governance groups, marking a transformative step in the project’s evolution.

Cardano’s move towards a decentralized governance structure aligns it with a growing trend among cryptocurrency projects, aiming to embody the core decentralized ethos of the blockchain industry. This change not only enhances the utility of ADA but may also serve as a strategic measure to mitigate scrutiny from securities regulators.

Despite its current ranking as the 28th largest blockchain according to DeFiLlama, Cardano has maintained a strong presence in the crypto sphere, largely thanks to Hoskinson’s vibrant personality and his habit of outspoken commentary. He was instrumental in creating the Ethereum blockchain in 2014, alongside notable co-founders like Vitalik Buterin, before shifting his focus to establish Cardano as a formidable competitor.

Hard forks—major updates that render previous versions of a blockchain obsolete—are essential for the evolution of any blockchain network. The Chang hard fork is no exception and will be implemented in two distinct phases.

  • Phase One: Already live, this phase introduces an Interim Constitutional Committee tasked with temporarily overseeing Cardano’s governance. Caution is paramount in this stage, as the committee’s authority to modify the blockchain’s code is restricted while the broader governance model develops.
  • Phase Two: Anticipated to occur within the next 90 days, this phase will empower the new governance bodies fully. According to Giorgio Zinetti, CTO of the Cardano Foundation, “Once everyone is onboard and well-informed, they will be ready to actively participate in governance.”

This upgrade signifies a pivotal moment in Cardano’s roadmap, heralding the commencement of the Voltaire era—an epoch dedicated to achieving full decentralization that has been in the making since the inception of Cardano. Zinetti expressed the significance of this milestone, stating, “I would say it is the biggest event in Cardano history, and it really sets us apart from many other chains.” He further asserted, “I think we are the largest layer-1 blockchain with on-chain governance. While there are smaller players, like Tezos and Polkadot, who have implemented on-chain governance, if there were a leaderboard for real decentralized layer-1s, we would take the top spot.”

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The Rise of Linux: Breaking the Dependency on Windows and the Future

The Rise of Linux: Explore ways to break free from dependence on Windows. Learn about the advantages, freedom, and future potential offered by the open-source world. Start your technological journey with Linux!



The Rise of Linux: Dependency on Windows and Its Future

The recent collapse of Windows due to Crowdstrike’s update issues has once again highlighted how dependent large organizations are on Microsoft’s operating system. However, recent research suggests that Linux could increase its market share to 5% by 2025. So, how is this transition happening?

According to StatCounter’s data for July 2024, Windows still holds the position of the most preferred operating system with a 72% market share. On the other hand, Linux reaching a 4.5% market share indicates an increased willingness among users to turn to alternative systems. This situation is influenced by the growing number of users who are uncomfortable with Microsoft’s operating system and want to either join or leave Apple’s MacOS ecosystem.

  • Although Linux’s market share reached 4% in February 2024, it fell to 3.9% in April and May.
  • However, with the recent increases, the market share continues to rise, and analyses predict that it could reach 5% by February 2025.

An Alternative Offering Everything for Free

Linux distributions have made significant progress in recent years. In particular, some popular distributions that stand out with their user-friendly interfaces and strong performances include Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and Zorin OS. The vast majority of these distributions are offered to users completely free of charge.

Many users have started to prefer Linux, which offers rich capabilities and a fast user experience, over other operating systems that provide similar features for a fee. If Linux manages to exceed a 10% market share within 2025, a major transformation could occur in the software and operating system world. This could change the course of technological competition and initiate a new era in user preferences.

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Dispute Over Audio Controls Between Spotify and Apple

How does the dispute over audio controls between Spotify and Apple affect the music streaming experience? In this article, explore the background of the conflict between the two giants and its impact on user experience.



Dispute Over Audio Controls Between Spotify and Apple

The disputes between Spotify and Apple have taken on a new dimension, this time focusing on audio controls. Spotify, the music streaming service, claims that Apple has restricted its ability to adjust audio levels from iOS devices using Spotify Connect technology. This situation negatively impacts the user experience while listening to music. While Spotify states that it is working on a solution, it emphasizes that users should utilize the audio slider in the iOS app.

The company expresses that this issue does not affect Bluetooth or AirPlay connections and is only applicable to iOS users. In a support article published by Spotify, it states, “Apple has stopped the technology that allows Spotify to control the audio on connected devices using the volume buttons on the device.” The article continues, “While we work on a solution with them, you can easily adjust the sound on your connected device using the Spotify app.”

Spotify Connect allows users to synchronize with speakers, televisions, and other devices through the music streaming application. This feature, which works via Bluetooth or WiFi, shows a list of compatible devices when you click the screen/speaker icon in the app’s media player. Once connected, it offers the possibility to have full control over the connected device through the Spotify app. This feature stands out as a much faster and more practical option compared to switching between the settings menu on your phone and the app.

Until recently, this convenience could be accessed using the volume buttons on iPhones. According to a report by TechCrunch, Spotify once again accuses Apple of violating the Digital Markets Act (DMA). This law aims to prevent “gatekeepers” from engaging in “unfair practices” with their products and services. Ensuring interoperability with operating systems and software features is also among these unfair practices.

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