Explore the multifaceted legacy of Alberto Fujimori, a leader whose presidency was marked by both significant economic reforms and deep controversies. Delve into the complexities of...
El fallecimiento de Alberto Fujimori, ex presidente de Perú, marca el fin de una era política compleja. Su legado, tanto polémico como influyente, sigue generando debates...
Explore the fascinating journey of Mennonite settlements in the Amazon in 'The Rise of Wanderland.' Discover their unique culture, challenges, and the impact they have on...
Read about the intriguing discovery of Bill Stampfl's body on Huascarán Mountain, uncovering mysteries of his disappearance and shedding light on the challenges of high-altitude mountaineering.
Explore the intriguing tale of the mysterious discovery on Mount Huascarán, a captivating story of adventure, intrigue, and ancient secrets waiting to be unveiled. Join us...
Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7,2 sacude la costa de Perú, dejando al menos tres heridos y generando alerta de tsunami en la región. Mantente informado...
A powerful 7.2-magnitude earthquake has hit off the coast of Peru, causing widespread concern and potential damage. Stay updated on the latest news and safety measures.