Explore "Black Myth: Wukong," a groundbreaking title that sets new standards in Chinese gaming. Discover its rich storytelling, stunning visuals, and cultural significance as it redefines...
KRAFTON is revolutionizing the gaming industry by collaborating with Tango Gameworks. They aim to provide players with unique experiences through their new projects. Don't miss these...
Explore Warner Bros Discovery's challenges in the gaming industry and its future strategies. With an in-depth analysis of competition, innovation, and sustainable growth, understand the company's...
KRAFTON continues to accelerate its growth in the gaming world. Jin Oh has been appointed as the new Global Publishing Director of the company, shaping KRAFTON's...
New budget details for the Star Wars Outlaws game have been announced! Learn about the resources allocated by the developers to the project and their expectations....
Discover the captivating convergence of cryptocurrencies and the gaming industry. Unveil the rise of play-to-earn models that are revolutionizing player empowerment and transforming the gaming landscape....